Project 1: Aquapax

by samscaife on Thursday, 29 September 2011

We have been given our first project of the year. The brief is to create a piece of animation/moving image/motion graphics which enhances the brand Aquapax. The video will be accessed through a QR code on the packaging of the bottle.

This is a really exciting brief as it allows us to create a really high quality piece of design. Another exciting part of the brief is that there is the potential for someones design to be linked on the bottle through a QR code.

The creator of Aquapax Neil Tomlinson came in on wednesday to talk to us about the brief and his product. Here are some of the key points I picked up from this

  • It is an Ecolux brand, a combination of environmental and luxury. 
  • The water is very high quality 
  • It is a friendly brand 
  • Has high profile clients 
  • Conscious of its carbon footprint 
  • The Client likes clean design 
  • it should not be try and greenwash people 
  • Brand dose not manipulate 
  • There is a strong personal story behind the brand 
  • Packaging has a strong design 
  • Its an existing luxury brand in France 

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