After doing some more reading about the Twitter streaming api I came across a paragraph which I had not noticed before.
Each account may create only one standing connection to the Streaming API. Subsequent connections from the same account may cause previously established connections to be disconnected. Excessive connection attempts, regardless of success, will result in an automatic ban of the client's IP address. Continually failing connections will result in your IP address being blacklisted from all Twitter access.
The impact of this means that I can not have each user run a version of my code otherwise I would be running multiple connections and would risk an automatic ban. There is the possibility of using a 'site stream' though you have to apply for this and I do not want to waste time waiting to see if I'll get one.
The way around this is to have my code running on a websever which is always active which then users request the information from when they visit the site. I like this as it lets me follow my idea of the site as an object. However I've no idea about server side programming so I need to do some research.
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