In the end getting this live was a nightmare as I missed out some basic steps due to my unfamiliarity with server side programming but by slowly taking apart examples and experimenting with my code I was able to track down my bugs and get it live, which I'm really pleased with. so its now live on my openshift account with the name Twit Twock.
This visualisation works as a clock which shows a universal time unconnected to any real sense of time. the top row of circles represent the volume of tweet containing the word 'late' within 6 seconds, so the 10 of them make up 1min. The bottom row is the same but each circle represents 1 hour, there are 24 of them in total making up 1 day. The idea is that you are unable to use the clock to time the events in your life which feeds back into people communicating their frustration. And if no one feels late then the clock dose not display as no information is coming in. Given time you could learn to read a relative time from the clock by watching for trends which appear at different times of day, though thats not really the point. The whole thing is kind of pointless and self mocking
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