Resist the temptation to add features that are not directly related to the main task. Instead, explore ways to allow people to see more and interact more.
This is another warning against function creep. The second line in this presents an interesting way of looking at adding more immersive features to an interactive story.
Closely associate visual transitions with the content that’s changing. Instead of swapping in a whole new screen when some embedded information changes, try to update only the areas of the UI that need it. As a general rule, transition individual views and objects, not the screen. In most cases, flipping the entire screen is not recommended.
This is something I should consider while wire framing, there will be a load of different ways I can present each of the elements which need to be on screen and considering the consistency between them will bring more of a linear unity to the story.
you also want to prevent people from feeling that they must visit many different screens to find what they want.
This line is from a section which is talking about not over doing the amount of information on each screen. It highlights an issue which could be encounter when designing a story with none linear narratives or functionality.
Like how I need to be aware of the user always being able to stop at any times I need to consider that they may not want to use the app with there sound on or they might want to turn certain elements of it down. This potential loses a very important part of the tools I have available to tell my story. There are solutions to this but I need to think very carefully about them before I make any decisions.
As I stated before there are other lessons which I can learn from this document once I am further along with my design, so I will revisit it later in the project.
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