One of the main features of my app is the visuals. I want to give me app a visual usp and I think that the Jekyll/Hyde character has inspired me to use either 2 styles to represent each. this would work by having the whole look change depending on which character the section of the story involved. Another way this could be done is by using inverting the colours e.g. black on white for jekyll and white on black for hyde.
I have already posted links to 2 videos which has inspired these where Una pieza más - Marian Ruzzi y Sr. Amable and The Thomas Beale Cipher. Below are other things which have been inspiring my thoughts on the visual style.
the lines in this piece are fantastic they have a really fragile feel. I also really like the 3D room scenes mixed with animation of just characters this is similar to what I am going to try and do with my major and minor scenes (I've not yet explained this on my blog but I will). Black and white with a spot colour works really nicely as well the spot colour really brings things out of the frame
The really simplified constructionist characters which are in this piece have a really powerful look. the weather look of the style is something that I am keep to transfer over to my final piece.
this animation makes great use of black and white. There are some really good scenes where things are drawn to explain a journy and not just show a single scene. I also really like how the animation transitions between locations playing with scale and angle I think this is something which would work really nicely on the I pad and enhance the simple act of turning a page.
I really like the potential there is to use collage in this project and think that some of the techniques used here could be transferd to my story to give scenes another level of depth by carefully selecting what images/videos to display with the collage. this technique is also used in the Thomas beale cipher.
I really like the finish and character design in Eran Hilleli's work. the simple look is something which I might be able to used to allow me to create strong characters which would be esaily animated and would compress well to save disk space on the ipad. It would lose some of its strength but it could be changed to 2D characters and positioned in a pseudo 3D environment.
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