I've pitched my ideas to the client and it didn't got very well. He like the angle I was coming from but did not like the vision for who I was going to film it, he felt that it would be difficult to execute and the idea of passing the same bottle was unhygienic.
I was reluctant to bring up my idea of dance as I had lost faith in it but simon raised that I had been thinking of that and they that had a better reception with the client. I would need to fit it to the product though. My tutor mentioned the recent air france video which uses dance to communicate the idea of elegance, luxury and flying.
Having seen this as well as the videos I have researched I will go back to my idea of dance. The client was keen on having really expressing the key points that make Aquapax so special. This needs to be brought into the piece.
I was looking back as some ways which I can add water into the piece and came accross these pieces by Shinichi Maruyama these are really nice uses of the showing pure water. This is something that I could work with to make the piece more about water, as the examples of dancers in water tend to leave underwhelming splashes.
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