Well I've had a new idea and I thought i would give a bit of background of where it came from first.
In my sketch book the first thing I did was to write down key words which I connected with the idea then look for patterns to help inspire me. There where two key area which developed from this, Touch and Reusable. Then I when I was talking to my tutor Andrew about my dance idea we began talking about police forensics and the idea that action leaves a trace. My idea then strayed away from that but when I just reread the brief it contained the word touching and it made me really want to go back to that.
The idea
My new idea is to have an Aquapax bottle passed between hands in different locations with a voice over talking about the values of the brand and the reusablity of the bottle and the idea of sharing great things with the world and each other. This idea also lets me bring the idea of revolution that I really like into the piece.
Its a very simple idea and I'm sure it must have been done, when I was trying to think of similar examples the Coke advert of the woman giving out bottles of coke to strangers came to mind.
I would produce a far my stylish video than this. Something which would have the potential to have a "viral effect" (quoting the brief).
Another similar video came to me when I had just sketched out a load of different ideas in my sketchbook and one of them was like the Tropicana advert set in New York.
This video has a really good feel of the high quality footage I would go for, I also really like how subtle the product is in this advert. I will do a more detailed analysis of this later.
I was thinking that visual interest could be maintained by the different scene which it was passed between and also the direction which it got passed from e.g. up and down as well as left and right. I then had the idea that people can reach into the scene to take the water bottle from other people, I think this would express interconnected ideas of changing social migration which the client mentioned are represented on the packaging. The reaching into scenes idea made me think of the music video for a recent Justice tract Audio, Video, Disco
It would have less focus on the actual scenes and more the movement between scenes creating an impression of a continuous shot (which I really like at the moment).
At first I was worried that it did not have enough of a luxury aspect to it but I talked to my cause mate Simon and this can be implemented by choosing the people and locations which the bottle gets passed from. Also I my vision of the luxury is more achievable now that it is more connected to brands such as John Lewis and Waitrose (though I will not lose sight of Merce and the Muse.)
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