yesterday I had the crit for the filming that I had done for the project. Here is the piece I showed here are the comments that I received comments:
- I should always test view my footage as the first mov I tried to show had a problem with interlacing
- Client got bored through the video
- the video could be cut down
- they suggested that I film the motion not the dancer and that I have close up tight framing so that its almost abstract whats going on on screen which is what I wanted to do
- The piece has no voice over but I expressed that the final piece would have a voice over connecting the dancing to the water
- I put forward the connection of the years of training it takes top become a dancer and the years it takes for a water become a mineral water, this idea was well received
- I was warned to think about how audio would work on a video designed for mobile output.
- The client liked the subtle hinting to the product.
- I expressed that I had several problems when I went to film the piece and the conclusion was that I should re-shoot the whole thing with a very clear message in mind.
After this crit I was confident that my idea could fit the brief but on reflection I am not sure if I will not have enough time to plan getting dancers, location and equipment in order to do this to the standerd that I would like. I am happy that I got this far with the idea as I have been able to make a dance video which I like even though I think it is off brief.
I spoke to Sue about the piece to get her thoughts on the piece and to see what her suggestions would be moving on from this. Sue advised me that I was working by trying to fit the brief to something which I wanted to do and it was not working. When talking about alternative methods to get the video to work we spoke about rotoscoping. I've now changed my idea to a full rotoscoped animation where the dancer represents water. I can steal a the visual style of the packaging and blend that into the rotoscoping so that it really stays on brand.
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