I feel like I'm getting a little lost about the purpose of the video so I'm going to look back at the brief and my notes from when the client came in and clarify what it is I need to produce.
So I've just reread the brief and its really help think about what exactly it is that the client is after. here are the key points I got from it
- QR code output which communicates information
- Information should be powerful enough to want to pass it on
- QR code takes user to a video sting
- it should connect with the audience emotionally, adding value to the core product.
- video should contain quality promotion graphics with tangible product statements
- compel the viewer to look, listen, and learn enhancing the brand value
- creative idea
- let people know the brands inherent quality characteristics
Client meeting
here are some of what I think the key points are that the client wanted to express in this video
- premium brand
- featured in shops such as Waitrose and John Lewes in the uk
- Eco Luxury product
- Straight to the point
- Clean, modernist & personal
- No manipulating
- It should be clever
- Tell the truth
- the company is [carbon] neutral and so is the product
- reusable
- suitable for infants
- Slick
the most important thing I picked up from looking back at my notes from the client was Waitrose and John Lewes being the luxury market in the uk. This means that the over the top arty idea I have been coming up with where probably too far.
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