I have had several days to think about this project so far and have been keeping a document with a series of links that have been inspiring my though process as I develop my idea.
To remind myself of this inspiration, inspire new idea and let you see what I'm working towards I'm going to do a quick write up of the stored links.
During the summer I saw the film Pina which is a combination of dance and documentary about the dancer and choreographer Pina Bausch. It features incredible location and dancing and is full of beautiful shots. There is one scene in the film where they are dancing in water the piece is very stripped back and there is just the dances a large rock and the water of set. This reminded me of the pure and neutral qualities of Aquapax and got me thinking that I would like to create a piece that involved dance and moment.
There is a really great quality about being able to see the power of the dances and the water. the splashing makes interesting forms and extends the dancers movements. The high quality footage I am very keen on as it expresses the idea of quality.
If I where to film something like this location would be very important as it creates a mise en scene which allows for the dance pieces to be read on more levels than the physical movements.
Due to the difficulties of filming a piece as high quality as Pina I began to think that I could create an animation similar to the Google doodle for Martha Graham
I really love the simple lines in this piece all the movement looks really fluid due to the stylised pointed limbs as they move and the liquid trails which they leave. This Piece also made me think of Thoughts of You
This is another dance animation but In this piece the white figure of the woman is made of smoke this makes the relation ship between the to figures really interesting and creates a great story. This concept of stylized animation could be used really well to express brand values by having one of the figures representing the consumer and the other representing the brand. This piece also makes use of pointed limbs in the movement. The colour pallet of both pieces are muted paper tones which seems to be a reflection of the stylized pencil drawing styles.
I really like this Idea of using dance in my piece but I felt like it was not let at the quality level that the client wanted. M&S have had TV campaigns where they raised the public opinion of there brand.
They filmed high quality in super slowmotion and set it against a sensual voice talking about how the food was so high quality and its link with M&S. Having the product be the central focus of the advert is something that reflects high end jewellery and desirable items. Another way this advert helps to a sense of luxury is the colour grade which the video has, it reminds me loads of classical still life paintings which are regarded as an interest of high society.
Looking at these videos my current idea is to create a promotional dance film such as this one by american apparel
It will take inspiration from M&S and use super slow motion combined with an interesting voice over to build an idea of luxury. By carefully selecting models, wardrobe and a location I can communication even more of the brand values without making the piece into a public service announcement.
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