Now that I have pitched my idea I need to push through and develop my idea. I am keen to stay away from thinking of the visuals until I have properly sorted out how its going to work behind the scenes and exactly what I'm going to allow people to do. Areas I need to look at now are, in no particular order:
- Statistics on how people interacte with Facebook
- Guidelines for for businesses on Facebook
- Constraints of app development on Facebook
- Open Graph and what its capable of doing
- User experience of web apps
- Platform considerations
- UX for Facebook apps
- UI considerations for cross platform and features
- Case studies of how similar projects approach it
- Strengths from similar projects
- Analysis of existing interfaces
I also need to make sure that I don't forget that this will need a delivery strategy to make people want to use it. I picture it almost as a middle made between awareness about the Facebook features and regular use of them once people realise how interesting they are. This can come after I have figured out exactly how people use what I am offering.
On another note I think my blog needs more pretty pictures!
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