I've got another article to look at which my tutor emailed to me. The article is, User Experience and Experience Design by Marc Hassenzahl. I've put interesting quotes and my interpretation of key parts into bullets.
- He Defines his meaning of experience as "an episode, a chunk of time that one went through [...] sights and sounds, feelings and thoughts, motives and actions [...] closely knitted together, stored in memory, labelled, relived and communicated to others. An experience is a story, emerging from the dialogue of a person with her or his world through action" (Hassenzahl 2010, pp. 8). An experience is subjective, holistic, situated, dynamic, and worthwhile."
- User Experience is not about good industrial design, multi-touch, or fancy interfaces. It is about transcending the material.
- he talks about how we are in a "transition from an economy of products and services to one of experience and transformation" (Pine & Gilmore 1999). Using the music industries shift from CD being the most profitable area to Live performances now.
- talks about technology as a potential enabler not the cause for pleasurable experience "the positive emotions and the meaning are evoked through the fulfilment of a universal psychological need. Need-fulfilment is what makes an experience pleasurable."
- He says that User Experience is just a sub category of experience that is "focusing on a particular mediator - namely interactive products."
- He begins to break down the process of designing for user experience. "The product is only of interest as it is identified as being crucial in creating the experience (Hassenzahl et al 2010)." "the challenge is to bring the resulting experience to the fore" - this can be done by designing the experience very early in the design process.
- A really interesting point he bring up which has challenged my opinion on what UX is about is that "While certainly important, reducing experience to the mere "pleasure due to the feel of the action" (Buxton 2007, p. 129) is not doing justice to its multifaceted nature." its much more than "a narrow view as pleasurable, moment-by-moment feeling" it is important for a product to have an "intimate understanding of certain experiences, feelings, situations, boundary conditions, and how those experiences can be created and shaped through a thing." To properly do this you have to think outside of "peoples' actual motivation to use a product."
- "At the moment, the majority of commercially available interactive devices is either too practical or too open-ended."
- Thinking "communication experiences" rather than "mobile devices" opens up a huge design space for possible devices
- when designing an experience with a interactive object he defines 3 levels "Why, What and How". Why: the reasoning behind taking action on the device. What: the posible actions which the user can do "through" the object. How: "acting through an object on an operational, sensory-motor level"
I'm going to break down exactly the types of emotion and reasoning an individual will have for using the site. I will then take this emotion and reasons and build my whole campaign around them.
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