I've come across an app which dose a similar thing to what I'm planning. Heineken Serenade lets you create a customised song and video for a Facebook friend. It works by having several sections each with a a database of possible answers. Then based on what you choose you will be show a video made up of the answers you chose.
Here you can see the video which I made using it.
This app uses really nice playful language with the questions it poses and also has a tongue in check visual style which work well with the cheesy message you create. Unlink some of the other apps I've see this one makes use of the empty space around the app with a textured background allowing for it to not break down on different screen sizes. I found the controls quite unintuitive as there are no visual prompts for when you have to select next. This app also pulls data from Facebook to display in the video in the form of your name and the person your sending it to's name, while not a massive part of the app it really dose at to the personal feel of the message.
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