I have been looking for inspiration on ways of presenting my ideas and I have found a few good examples from companys launching new web app or explaining them to new customers. I think this is the correct approach to take as I have to communicate the concept, everything it can do, and how it works to the judges for them to fully understand the idea.
This is a video for Google+: Sparks
This video uses a voiceover about the situation and the emotions around why you would use the product alongside close up footage of someone using the interface. The interesting angles and the close up shots add a feeling of mystery which makes you focus on the voiceover for an explanation and when you don't get a direct one it gives you a connection to the emotion.
I really like the interesting angles but you do not get a sense of the interface as a whole which I think is important so that people have reference points when you do have a closer shot.
Mailchimp have a video on there homepage which explains the key features of the web app
Like the Google video it starts of talking about the situation in which you might use the app it then goes into specific features which the app offers. This video shows live footage of a person in their target audience using the app showing objects from their life away from the computer as well. This video also uses close up shots of key areas of the interface I believe that this is because they are giving a brief overview of a app which allows you to do a large amount of things.
I really like having footage of someone using the app however I'm not sure if I will have time to be able to go out and film the shots that I would need.
This video by freckle shows the app in more detail than the other two videos
without a voice over this video gets quite boring though. You do however get a real sense of how it works and how you can use the it.
this is another video walk through by SnapPages
This again has no voice over so gets a little boring especially as its 4 mins long. This video dose do a good job of showing the UI and how it gets used. It really gives you a sense of the time requirements that would be needed, I think this is a really important feature as the time people spend doing tasks is shrinking so it needs to be quick.
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