As part of the project we had to produce a pitch for our ideas which we would give to our tutors to explain the our ideas before we start to develop them. We were advised that the pitch should contain;
- a summery of the idea
- reasons for the idea (based on the brief)
- unique aspects to our idea
With this in mind I created a very simple pitch as my Idea dose not currently have any visual style associated with it so its purely the underling concept. I covered the brief i had chosen, the key points from the brief, and then all the points that we had been suggested to include. I then poke about each of the points on the slides in more detail as I went through to give a picture of how everything works together. You can view the pitch below.
My pitch was well received and brief and they liked the idea. Here are some of the areas that my tutors and peers suggested to look at;
- The musician Pogo
- A campaign by Channel 4 that was a competition where you had to make celebrities say thing in a similar cut up mannor
- It could search for the way to say what they have written with the least possible amount of tracks
- Or it could find a song which say as many of the words as possible which you could then send
- look at the app Song Kick which looks at the data on your Itunes and tells you when your favourite bands are playing locally
- I have to consider why it should have a website and not just be a Facebook or Spotify app
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