A really important part of game play to me is sound it really helps bring you into the world of the game. I wanted to have background music playing as well as sounds when you do certain actions.
For the background music I chose a track which by the artist Maru which has a fast tempo to keep the game exciting and also had the classic retro sound of an 8 bit game.
To generate sound effects Seb suggested a great tool called Sfxr which you can use to generate and manipulate low fi sounding noises. Using this tool I created a sound for the standard jump, wall jump and one for a game over noise.
To load sound into processing I used Minim which is a library which gives you a set of functions you can call in order to load sound. To work out which functions I needed I looked through the javadocs and also looked at the online examples provided. I wanted to make sure I fully understood what I was putting into the code so when I found a work example I then found the function within the javadocs and read up about it.
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