Project 4: Facebook campaign research

by samscaife on Saturday, 28 January 2012

One of the key lines from the Spotify brief is that "the idea should live both within and beyond Facebook (idea of the different channels)" so I'm going to have a look at some existing campaigns which feature within Facebook and where possible outside it.

The Heineken Social Christmas Tree

This brand promoting campaign by Heineken let you send Christmas messages to your Facebook friends. These messages would also be displayed on a 11ft Christmas tree built out of LCD monitors over the Christmas period in Singapore.

The app its self requires you to install it to your Facebook account if you want to create your own tree. It runs from within Facebook so you are still connected to Facebook chat and live updates though it provides a new experience with its own window. I think this is not especial effective as it spoils the feeling of integration between the the brand and the social connectivity of Facebook by disrupting the styling and having a context area which contrasts with its surroundings.

Toyota Social Network Racer

Social Network Racer, created by Party, is another app which run within Facebook this one takes data from your Facebook account to create courses, billbords, scenery etc. When you play a race the experience launches full screen so you have periods of dedicated game play mixed in with social side of telling your friends about your high score and getting people to challenge you.

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