Watching the video which is on the brief page here which is an interview with Nicky lambert. I've picked out what I think are the key points that she says in this video.
- across 12 countries
- 10 million users
- they believe music is really social
- Facebook lets you share Spotify music
- Educate people as to why its great
- free
- 15 million songs
- dis-belif that its true
- people to use the service more
- its easy
- music industry is on the edge of something exciting
- trying to innovate music consumption
- young hardworking office
- its a real issue for them in the Spotify office
- simple ideas
- inspired by behavior
- habits
- personal
- tie in with Spotify on facebooks features
- multiple age ranges
- Simple idea
- adds to experience
- has to be an idea which will last
- feature
- part of the experience
- old and new music
- talking about interests
- use the services
- requires all mass take up to be effective
- like social advertising
- usable for extended amounts of time?
The way she was talking about the brief seem like its not a direct advert that they want but an a feature which uses the existing Facebook and Spotify functionality.
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