I have chosen to keep quite a strong style on my game as I think it will help it be recognisable. As my game as developed It has ended up that I now see it as the player being at the bottom of a "bottemless" pit which they are trying to climb out of. so when I picture the platforms, ground and walls they are made of rocks and dirt. To represent this I have chosen a earthy red pallet as it is more exaggerated than brown.
With my platform designs I have kept a rough pixelated edge as a reference to retro computer games and the audio which I have in the game. I have done the same with my sprites which I drew using a 1 pixel pencil tool in photoshop. In processing I stretched this to be the same size as the collision detection rectangle which is invisible behind the image.
For the ground I created a reverse of the bottom of the platforms, I chose to have these appearing above the collision area to create a sense of depth.
my character is meant to be a little boy, but also looks a bit like a miner. I was inspired by Mario and Mega Man when I was sketching designs for him. I only created 4 different states as I use the ones where he is stepping as the jumping sprite. Its not a true sprite as they are 4 separate images but I chose to do it this way as it was a method which I fully understood.
With it in mind that it was a pit I chose to call my game pitFall as it reminded me of the simple 1 or 2 word game titles of retro games like breakout, astroids, pac man, space invaders. I wanted the splash screen to show that it was a homemade game and also be slightly fun so I made up this for it, I also wanted it to have a rough pixelated edge so that it didn't look out of place with the other elements I had drawn.
I picked the font Volter (Goldfish) for its block characters and retro computerised lettering I using processing I converted the film into a .vlw file which I could then load into processing using PFont. To create simple shadows on text I wrote the line twice then offset the one behind and darkened the colour.
To add a little humour into the game for the end screen I made a little splat image which I overlaid over the word splat instead of saying gameover. this help you get an idea that you are climbing out of something and that you have fallen down and hit the bottom where you started.
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