Have have just looked at the campaign around the launch of a new line by Karl Lagerfeld which uses multiple screens to promote and sell cloths from the range.
The range is available exclusively on Net-a-porter a high end online fashion retailer. Due to the online nature of the store in order to have the range launch with a physical location they have created window shops.
These window shops act as actuators for a mobile and tablet app which then allows you to see yourself or models wearing the garment and make a purchase. The AR makes uses of the gyroscope allowing you to see purely the garment at first then if you tilt the view down you see a purchase button. This is a really nice feature as it allows for discoverable content and features which enhance the UX of the app.
The Line also launched with other forms of publicity in the form of a video where Lagerfeld interviews himself, coverage on Net-a-porters news style web show, and editorial content on Net-a-porters online fashion magazine.
While one of the screens in this example is static it is still a good example of interesting interaction between multiple screen. What it dose not do which I think windows phone are looking for have some for of multi person interactivity.
The two short video are also interesting ways which I could submit my idea. Having the piece appear working and learning about the interaction by seeing others use it is a way more personal than solely having written instruction and explanations.
Its a great example for the Microsoft brief which I was also interested in because it takes place online and within the real world which is what they where asking you to do. I think that it will be an interesting to bring the which ever idea I choose into the real world (bad way of thinking! I could end up trying to mash techniques together instead of focusing on a concept).
This has really reminded me that I have to have a concept to bring everything together
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