I've just come across this digital wall for V-energy which will be at festivals in Australia throughout the summer. It is a good example of what real companies are doing with interactive and social technologies.
This unit is design to be part of the V-energy green room pop up club. The unit has a large projected display with 2 touch screens and cameras which allow users to take images of themselves which get posted on, the large projected screen of the uni, the Facebook page( which can be seen here), and these images also get sent a link to the Facebook page via text message to the users mobiles.
While the concept of this is quite simple I believe there are some really clever points about how it has been executed;
- The experience comes at the end of another engaging experience which is fitting in its festival location.
- It allows the user to "lifelog" a memory of being within the green room club
- SMS message reminds users of their participation
- SMS message directs users back to a branded space
- Images posted in a branded space with the ability to share though Facebook's default tagging system
All these mean that the users are going to have far more exposure to the brands, as Chris Donald states "[having Facebook as the central point brings users] into the broader brand experience and communications as they join our Facebook community to browse and share their photographs from the event."
I think the key thing about this is that it is so focused on the brand, with everything tying back into it. You can clearly see the brand image V-energy are going for in this video of there green room experience
Brand is a important thing for both briefs but its not directly spelt out in either of them. For Spotify they seam to focus on the product instead of the concept of social music, I'm keen to stay away on a heavy focus on the specifics and have it so that it built up around an idea which the key features of Spotify all feed into to enhance the experience. In the windows phone brief takes the brand as the platform which the idea has to work on . There focus is forward thinking and innovation which will promote there brand by association.
I think I could really do with looking into the brands for each of these briefs and see which areas I can promote. I also want to look into some Brand and campaign theory.
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